This is the story of one mama who gave her slow-girl mentality the boot

When the Mohawk Hudson Marathon was over (October 9th), I wasn’t sure what to do next. Registering for the Manchester City Marathon one month later (November 6th) blew my mind and scared the bajeezus out of me.  I wondered whether I was being ballsy and setting myself up for super sweet victory, or being absolutely delusional and setting myself up for epic failure and maybe even injury.

At this point, I still don’t know the answer and won’t know for sure until this time next week.  In the meantime, the questions keep coming… Will my continued training have made me stronger, faster, smarter, or just worn me down?  Will the cooler temps help me be speedier or will they hinder my performance?  Will my added hill training make the hilly course a dream or a nightmare?

As you know from previous posts, I am in continuous dialogue with (Negative) Nelly and giving her as many doses of (Positive) Patti as possible.  What I have realized is that at least I am not scared anymore.  I know I will complete the race and even suspect I will enjoy it, given how much I have started to look forward to it.  I have made peace with, and let go of, my attachment to the outcome.  Whatever time ends up on the clock as I cross the finish, just having stepped so far out of my comfort zone to dare myself to complete “back to back” marathons is something for me to celebrate and savor.  (Don’t get me wrong, I want this “win.” I also know that this is a journey and I will get it done when the time is right.  Hopefully next Sunday will be the time.  If not, it isn’t the end of the road.)

Today I had a split run (two 40 min runs – one in the morning and one in the afternoon).  The first was on the treadmill at the Y because the sidewalks were still pretty covered with snow and slush.  I ramped my run up from 8:54 minute miles to 7:30 minute miles. Outside later in the day (beautiful with the sun shining!) I ran about the same with hills and felt strong.  The top of my right foot still has annoying “sneaker bite”, but hopefully new laces this week, icing, and a bit of luck will get it to finally go away.

I feel better now than I did before the last race, so hopefully that is a good sign and indicator of success.  It will be what it will be.

For the rest of the week I will continue my plan and get my race gear ready.  I still am not sure what I will wear, since my favorite race gear is likely to be too cold.  Also, my water belt last time was good to have, but it is a man’s belt and jiggled more than ideal, so I would like to replace it with a smaller one.  (Yeah, I could have taken care of that sooner.  Oh, well.)  Lastly, I need to get more gels because I am almost out.  I used the Powerbar Power Gel Strawberry 1x caffeine last race and during training, so want to make sure that’s what I have again race day.

Most of all this week, I will need to concentrate on getting sleep (I say as I publish this at 11:25 pm!), eating well, hydrating, and steeling my mind.

One week to go.  So soon and so far away all at the same time.

All positive vibes gratefully encouraged and accepted.

Gearing up for the next drumroll…

I would love to hear your thoughts!